FakeNajib: " We are not getting enough money!!"
Dr M: " Why? I thought you had enough from the submarine deals? Did you not already killed off Minah? Plus you will be PeeM soon, you can always create another company and get all your money there via contracts from the government."
FakeNajib: " No no , the chinese are leaving!!! They are taking all their money with them!"
Dr M: "What??? Vincent Tan and MCA is leaving? How can that be? We feed them with whatever contracts we don't want. Thoese ingrats! Remind me to publish more photos of MCA people in compromising position."
FakeNajib: " Not only MCA, all the chinese are leaving!! How are we going to get the money from them! Dr M you said before 90% of the tax are paid by the chinese. How can I now rely on the rest to pay for my big expenses I have? I don't want to make so many trips to Thailand when I become PeeM!!! Flying an escorts from the US is not cheap you know! I'm not old man Abdullah that sleeps all day, I need my exercises in bed!"
Dr M: "Hmmm that is worrying. How else can we get money? We can't possibly ask the UMNO people to not take as much anymore. With Mr A looking for defectors, we need to give them more. Plus, we already increase the price of petrol and Petronas won't give us more."
FakeNajib:" I think we have to tell Hisha to stop waving the dagger so much. It could help."
Dr M:" Nah, Hisha is mad I tell you. Everytime a dagger reaches his hand he just has to take it out and wave it. I tried telling him a lot of time not to, but he refuses to listen to me. That man is out of his mind."
FakeNajib:" What else can we do!? Start hugging and shaking hands with the chinese? I don't want to get babi on my hands and face you know, its Haram! I'm not like Nizar that goes around doing that, look where he is now? Some smelly kampung, I kicked his butt out of Perak! What happens if I have to swear on the koran again!? Allah can smell it a thousand mile away, and he is the most merciful and mighty they say."
Dr M: "Ok I'll talk to MCA and see if we can get some money off them while we sort this out."
FakeNajib:" No use, most MCA already has visa in US,UK, Australia. They already moved the money we gave them overseas. Even old man Abdullah has a mansion in Perth to sleep in !"
Dr M:" Don't worry I have a plan if the chinese leave."
FakeNajib:" Oh what is it? Tell me !!"
Dr M: "We will get another group to pay for your trips."
FakeNajib: "You mean the Indians? Are you mad? They are all drunks and hooligans. Look what they did to Sami. Plus they are poorer then the chinese!"
Dr M: "No no FakeNajib, we will get the non-UMNO malay to pay more. Like PAS, PKR people, that way you can have your trip to Thailand. As long as they are not UMNO we can get money off them."
I tell you, that Dr M is a smart guy. He can think of anything to get money. They don't call him a doctor for no reason. Problem solved.