So many things happened over the past month. Rosmah getting fatter, as usual, RPK writing more articles about me and the capture of Perak. First of all I want to clarify to all my UMNO fans about Perak. Its all engineered by Dr M. Yes you heard it, Dr M is actually the one that started all this. I'm only just following his instructions. Where do I have all the time to go about convincing people to jump here jump there. Too complicated for me lah. Plus I need my time to travel to Thailand for my escorts, massages there.
Anyway, in order not to allow people to have the wrong perception that Dr M actually is telling me what to do, I have to go and visit the Agong, and make it looks like I'm the one behind. How come I'm PeeM I still have to visit them? they should come to PutraJaya to come see me instead. Don't they know I'm the most powerful man in Malaysia now? The Rakyat is also dumb when they say I want to takeover Perak. Aiyah, why would I want to take over Perak lah, Perak also don't have anything. All jungles there, so many mosquitoes, so many trees. I'll rather stay in my palace in PutraJaya. Every room got air-con, when I need girl, I get girl, when I want money, people give me money. Going to Perak, I have to give people money.
So these PR people, still refuses to acknowledged now Perak has become Perak Najib. After one month, they still say their MB is the legal MB. What lah, these people, I ordered the police to throw their speaker out the door already and they still say they own Perak. Its Perak Najib now, I repeat. Not PR's Perak, its Perak Najib. So I agreed to talk to Anwar, and see what he has to say. If he still refuses to say Perak Najib, I will ask botak to issue ISA him and all the PR people that refuses to acknowledge Perak Najib. No need election lah, you know how much I spend everytime there is an election let alone a state election. Arresting Anwar would solve all this talk of an election in Perak.